Thursday, April 17, 2014

The last two & a half weeks of my first year of college...

I can't believe that my first year of college is almost over. I guess I expected it to be hard and that I would basically "teach" myself in the majority of my classes. The biggest lesson I have learned is that I need to put studying and school first. For me, it's always been hard to prioritize what I need to do first and get done. I guess you could say I have slacked off in a couple of classes and it is killing me. I am beyond stressed and it does not help that I have anxiety... I have a long list of things that I have to get done in order to complete this semester. I am hoping that I do really well on my exams and they bring all of my grades up! I guess I should start studying this weekend for some of them...Best of luck to everyone's last couple of weeks!

1 comment:

  1. You and me are in the exact same boat! I think after my first year of college almost being complete that I've finally learned my lesson. Next semester I'm going to try my best to make school my top priority too. Good luck with this next week!
