I fell in love with Longwood University when I recently
visited the campus. Since I am graduating a semester early from Richard Bland
College, I went to talk with an adviser about the transfer process, get answers
to questions I had and also for apartment searching. Although it was very
overwhelming to think that I will be "living on my own", I am more
than ready to be independent and actually have the college experience most
young adults dream of. I have talked to people there and they either love it or
hate it. Most people say that there is not much to do since Farmville because
the town is so small, but I am hoping that I enjoy it when I get there. My mom,
dad & I had an appointment with a lady at Longwood and it made me feel a
lot better about going and answered a lot of questions that we had. I am really
looking forward to the events that Longwood offers like concerts and “games”
that the student body puts on and especially the gym facility that is fairly
new. The apartments are really nice and also that most of them are close by. Not
only did this accomplish a lot of educational questions, it was good to spend a
day away from Enon with my parents! I am more than proud to hopefully soon
become and Longwood Lancer!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The last two & a half weeks of my first year of college...
I can't believe that my first year of college is almost over. I guess I expected it to be hard and that I would basically "teach" myself in the majority of my classes. The biggest lesson I have learned is that I need to put studying and school first. For me, it's always been hard to prioritize what I need to do first and get done. I guess you could say I have slacked off in a couple of classes and it is killing me. I am beyond stressed and it does not help that I have anxiety... I have a long list of things that I have to get done in order to complete this semester. I am hoping that I do really well on my exams and they bring all of my grades up! I guess I should start studying this weekend for some of them...Best of luck to everyone's last couple of weeks!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
coming to an end...
I am really starting to stress about the last couple of weeks of school. As for English, I still haven't written the second & third paper because I don't really know how to do it correctly. Also, I haven't even thought about the portfolio... In my art appreciation class we have to write two papers for our final. I am starting to stress about not doing well enough so I can transfer. Biology is hard as crap and I really could care less about plants. On the other hand, I am trying to make my schedule for the next semester and it is really stressful. I have never had to meet with an advisor before and it is making it really difficult to continue with my process because I cant even meet with the lady. I am taking 2 online summer classes this summer and I don't even know if it is necessary. I have to fill out a sheet to even get my alternate pin number. The whole transfer process is really stressful and I just hope I am on the right track. What really pisses me of is that I have to take a bunch of classes that I wont even need at Longwood....
Monday, March 24, 2014
Weekend getaway/ Outside event
This past weekend my family & I went to Myrtle Beach for The Run to the Sun annual car show. We stayed in an ocean front condo, which was a big plus. The weather was beautiful and I even got to spend some time on the beach! At the car show there was over 4,000 cars. I know I didn't even see half the cars there because it was so overwhelming. There was so many different cars and trucks there that every one seemed to be in "car heaven". My uncle has been building a '34 Chevy called "The Black Rose". He has spent tons of time and money and it looks amazing. The best part of the weekend was not only attending the car show every day, but the time spent with my family! I couldn't tell you my favorite car or truck because there was too many to decide! My uncle and cousin was obsessed with the rat rods, because they are in the process of building one now. Saturday night we went to Broadway at the Beach and it brought back many memories because I used to go there when I was young! We shopped and had a nice dinner and the weather stayed nice! Our plan is to start making this weekend an annual thing for our family! I'm looking forward to it and it was a great
weekend getaway!
weekend getaway!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Poor Gertrude.
Long story short, it's been a rough/emotional and quite long last two weeks and needless to say. spring break will be much needed! So one day, I was getting ready to leave my house to go to the gym. My driveway is like a used car lot as it is because we have more cars than drivers. To get to the point, I was backing out of my drive way and I ran into my moms suburban. First off, I wasn't really focused on her car, I had my mind in a million other places and I looked over my shoulder to make sure I was backing straight and the next I knew I couldn't back up any farther. I put my car a park and starting freaking out because I had never really been in an accident before, even in my driveway....It's really embarrassing especially that I hit my mom's car. Luckily, my parents were not upset with me and they told me that it was just a car that can be fixed and they were happy I was okay. My car is fully covered and it is mainly all cosmetic damage. Since my car is a 2005 and has over 100,000 miles it could be possibly totaled.... which will be sad. So that was my week and hopefully my car will be fixed soon!
RIP Gertrude.....
RIP Gertrude.....
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Last week and the beginning of this week we had to write our first paper for the class. We had to write 500+ words on a character analysis of a story that we read for homework. We had to write how we related to a character. I chose the story "How to Become a Writer". At first I struggled with which character I wanted to write about, but after writing a super rough draft, I re-wrote it and it was a lot better. One class we brainstormed on the board and that was pretty helpful. Two classes were for editing. The first time we met in groups some of us didn't even have a rough draft, and I only had like a paragraph, which sucked. The second class we had groups and I had a "full" rough draft and I thought that it was pretty decent. We all read each others papers and I got some feed back. I think it would have been more successful if we could have picked our own groups! But ohwell!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
2014 Winter Olympics
I have always looked forward to the Olympics when they come either in the summer or winter. When I found out they were in Russia, I was concerned that there were going to be problems, but luckily there hasn't been any major ordeals! I missed most of the Opening Ceremony because I was working, but that's okay because the best part is the actual events! My favorites are the different snowboarding events and figure skating. Both are pretty inspiring to me because I could never dream to do such things on ice or in the air like these athletes do. They all make it seem so natural and easy! The Olympics takes years of dedication, practice and passion, which most people don't have...especially if you are snowboarding with a broken rib! Watching the athletes preform is pretty exciting and makes me a nervous wreck, especially when USA is competing. Also, it's cool to see the different countries, especially the ones that I have been to like Ukraine and Italy. It's crazy to think that some of them are my age or younger and instead of going to college classes they are in the Olympics! It's also hard to say if I prefer the summer or winter games. They both have aspects that I like. The best thing that I like about the Olympics is that is when the world seems to come together despite all of the differences and troubles we all have.
Go USA :)
Go USA :)
Friday, February 7, 2014
Working at Vincenzo's sucks. Grace is a mean and likes to boss people around and thinks she can do what she wants. She always gets to leave early any night, especially if she has plans. She always gets free food, when I am starving and about to die. She really sucks at waitressing.
Just kidding guys,
I really have enjoyed working and it has been very beneficial to me. I like being a waitress because I meet new people and I like the girls I work with. The family I work for is really nice and we have a good time! The money is good when I waitress, especially on the weekends. I work with my best friends Morgan and Grace and it makes it a lot more fun. At first I was scared I would suck at waitressing and I wouldn't be able to remember the menu, but it has gotten easier as I have worked more. Everyone come and eat at Vincenzo's Italian Restaurant in Colonial Heights!
Just kidding guys,
I really have enjoyed working and it has been very beneficial to me. I like being a waitress because I meet new people and I like the girls I work with. The family I work for is really nice and we have a good time! The money is good when I waitress, especially on the weekends. I work with my best friends Morgan and Grace and it makes it a lot more fun. At first I was scared I would suck at waitressing and I wouldn't be able to remember the menu, but it has gotten easier as I have worked more. Everyone come and eat at Vincenzo's Italian Restaurant in Colonial Heights!

Friday, January 31, 2014
working out
At the first of the new year I started working out at American Family. I was nervous to start working out because I have never been to the gym before, didn't know how to do anything and I was worried about guys hitting on me when I was doing my own thing. So I randomly went and joined and ever since then I am addicted and feel like crap if I don't go! I was concerned also that it would get to be too much money and I wouldn't have the time, but I always seem to be able to get a work out in. When I am at the gym, I listen to music and work a certain part of my body and I usually work out by myself. My boyfriend or his brother will help me with the free weights or machines if I don't know how to do it. Although I work out, I just watch what I eat, but I don't obsess over it because that is annoying. Working out has made me feel better about myself and has lifted my self esteem overall. Also working out is a big stress reliever when I am feeling down or depressed. I really encourage anyone to go to the gym at least three times a week because besides getting in shape it makes you overall feel better!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
It's hard to believe that my second semester in college has already begun. As much as I was ready to get out of high school, college is a whole different world. I never really pictured myself at Bland, I thought I'd be moved out and attending Longwood. But hey, I guess plans change. It was hard getting in the "college routine", especially living at home, but overall it's been alright. My second semester is starting out well and I seem to like all of my professors so far. I can already tell this semester is going to be pretty hard. Which sucks, but I guess that's college for ya! My main goal this semester is to try and stay ahead of the game and make all A's & B's, so hopefully that works out! Wish all of yall the best of luck!
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